Our Grass Fed Beef

Rotationally grazed on pasture.

We raise our cattle on our pastures where they are moved daily to a new section of pasture. This practice uses the regenerative agriculture principles to improve our farm’s soil health and the health and nutrient density of the beef we offer.

Grain Fed vs. Grass Fed Cattle

We also have a small herd of cattle that are raised the same as our grass fed cattle, but we offer them a small amount of corn and oats that we raised on our farm. We will be harvesting this herd throughout the summer and will then only be offering grass fed beef by the quarter and half beginning in December 2024.

Grain Fed Quarter, Half, Whole Beef $3.50/lb + processing

Grass Fed and Finished Quarter and Half $4.25/lb + processing

Canned Grass Fed and Finished Beef.

Ingredients: Beef

$14 each (1 lb 11 oz)

Half mile cattle drive moving our mama herds together for calving season.