Pasture Raised Eggs

Raised on pasture.

We raise our chickens in our mobile coop so they can be rotated every few days through our pastures. Chickens are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they will forage for a variety of grains, bugs, grasses, and small rodents. Our hens also have access to a corn and soy free feed made up of grains that we mostly grow on our farm. It’s fermented so that digestion is easier and the absorption of the nutrients is greater.

Eggs $5.00/dozen

Nature’s Multivitamin.

We also provide them with occasional meat, organs, and veggie scraps for more diversity and extra nutritious eggs. Because eggs might just be nature’s perfect multivitamin as they are packed full of vitamins A, E, D, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, and K; along with folate, calcium, choline, iron, protein, and more.